Picture of Shoaib Kamal Khan

Hello, I’m Shoaib Kamal Khan.

Hailing all the way from CT/NYC!


I am an aspiring developer specializing in Front End Web Development. I have studied Front End Web Development extensively with Treehouse. I have finished their Front End Web Development Track and Techdegree program and I am now a Treehouse Techdegree Certified Front End Web Developer. I can now create robust intuitive, immersive and highly engaging UI/UX experiences. Currently I am working as a Front End Web Developer at Tivix in New York City. Previously I have been an IT Professional and my experience entails hardware and software support & repair for all Apple, PC and mobile products.

I am also a creative, I play piano, I play guitar, I am a drummer, I am a music producer, I am a dj/mixing artist and I am a graphic designer.

Please see my experience and interests pages for further info.

Objective & Goals

My Objective is to work for a web development firm developing websites and web applications by creating intuitive, immersive and highly creative and engaging UI/UX experiences with the skills I have mastered. I have mastered the following skills and abilities in:

Further my goals are to become a UI/UX Treehouse Techdegree Certified Developer, a Treehouse Techdegree Certified Full Stack JavaScript Developer and a Treehouse Techdegree Certified Full Stack PHP Developer and further my experience into becoming both a front end and back end developer and make my way further into the industry. Eventually I would like to found my own company in web & software development.